Morgan’s Branding Session
Have you ever heard of a sunny October day in Washington? Well, it actually happens sometimes . . .
Morgan and I planned to get together on what the weather had predicted would be a sunny Saturday at Point Defiance Park in Tacoma. But (surprise, surprise) Saturday came along, and it was a dreary day. Although we both were willing to work with it, the next day had a sunny forecast, and neither of us had obligations, so we decided to wait.
I’m so glad we did! That Sunday was one of the most beautiful and sunny days I’d seen in weeks. The only issue was, it was the sunniest day every other Tacoma photographer had seen in a while too. Sun-starved photographers were crawling all over Point Defiance Park!
A week prior, I had planned out every spot I wanted to shoot, but photographers were hungrily camped out at each location. Sunny October days don’t come along often, though, so we hunted for fresh spots.
The results? Morgan modeled beautifully! Traveling off the beaten path of Point Defiance’s usual spots worked to our advantage. Ultimately, I loved the opportunity for a fall photoshoot with the lovely Morgan.